A beautiful day at the beach. November 11th, yes that's correct dear reader amidst the Finnish snow fall, we walked along the beach and the sun managed to make me so warm I had to take my coat off to pose against a backdrop of clear blues. It's strange how the sea and the sky actually look like a canvas propped up in a studio, how something so real can look so fake to the eye.
I have been busy yet I feel like a sloth. I want to hibernate and wake up to a warm spring when all of this work will be well behind me and I will never have to think about seminars or lectures again.
An example of where my priorities lie: I went to the library to find research material for my dissertation and came out with Kushner's Angels in America instead. I read it in 2 days and haven't even looked at dissertation materials yet.
As we walked there was a group of women who looked like Sunday school teachers, walking along the beach dressed in matching dark skirts. We then stumbled upon a hidden little garden up on the cliff.