perjantai 23. toukokuuta 2014

Tectonic Plates

There is a hot crumbling beneath the cold surface
Pushed apart, inching further away as you slumber
Come and conquer, let your fury be known
And then, rest your sweet head on my arid slopes
And dream of places greener and free from history
Abandon these too-familiar shores that froth and quake in and out of your vision
Like a desperate mirage
I am landlocked by your love,
My offerings sparse;
The shivering coils of my heart,
The contracting hollows of my veins,
The skin that falls and rises under your hand,
The tongue that searches for your taste and
The lips that never tell you how well you are missed here
So I break, unwillingly
So that we might collide again 

keskiviikko 14. toukokuuta 2014


Praying for calvary
To shake me clean of the past, to drain me pure of the present
To leave me in a permanent state of rapture, brittle like the embers of your love
Pressing my skin against the rough surface of the place where blood was spilt
The blood that stained us all, trying to get closer
Pooling at the bottom of a chalice, heralded by the dizzying smell of sugar
Making me heavy, like the billowing hem of your robe
The swish and lock of the door, and the stiff-mouthed recital heard from within
I never trusted, until now, that a place could save me
That an ashen, sullen sight might make me realise
My palms are open, my brow burning
I am ready
This is my final clutching of you, my searching blind in the darkness of you
Before it all bursts through and breaks me, washes over me and disintegrates me
This is my submission, my white flag
The weight at the end of the rope

Give me calvary